Center for an Informed Public is now verified on Mastodon

Apr 24, 2023

Like many organizations on Twitter that had verified “blue checkmark” accounts on the social media platform, the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public lost its legacy checkmark last week due to ongoing changes under Twitter owner Elon Musk.

While we’ve used our @uwcip Twitter account sparingly in recent months, we recognize the challenges Twitter users now face when trying to figure out whether any organization is actually who they profess to be on the platform or if they’ve stumbled upon an imposter account pushing incorrect, misleading or misframed information. We’re not alone.

Despite losing our legacy Twitter verification, the CIP is now verified on Mastodon (signified by a green checkmark), where we’re sharing news, insights and updates from our work, programs and research.

While it’s unlikely we’ll be using our Twitter account for much of anything, you can follow CIP news updates on our website in addition to Facebook, LinkedIn and Mastodon.

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